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What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

Updated: Nov 23, 2022


Therapy is specifically ideal for anyone who is looking to connect and heal from past traumas as well as better understand how their traumas affect their present behaviors and functioning. Therapy also focuses on how current behaviors impact interpersonal relationships and helps individuals learn strategies to better cope and navigate emotions. Therapy uses evidenced based practices such CBT, DBT, EMDR to treat mental health disorders such as Depression, Anxiety, and Bipolar. In order to be a psychotherapist one must be credentialed with an advanced graduate degree and licensed to practice therapy.


Coaching focuses on the here and now, what is happening now that you want to change. Coaching is for those who want to get ‘unstuck’ and set achievable goals. Coaching basically develops a road map of identifying the issue and the steps to obtain the goals set. In coaching you may want to challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zones to achieve specific goals such as dating, a career change, etc. In coaching you would identify the unhelpful habits and behaviors that may be holding you back from obtaining the goals you wish, which in turn keeps you from having the best and most fulfilled life possible. Once these habits and behaviors are identified the individual would learn to replace them with healthy alternatives. In coaching, you hold yourself accountable for your personal or professional life.

How do I know which is right for me between therapy and coaching?

You may not and if you don’t call me and I can help you figure it out. Once again coaching is for those who have an identified problem they want to resolve quickly, while therapy is a process in connecting the past to present, which may or may not be directly impacting a specific problem you wish to resolve. As part of our 15 minute consultation call I will evaluate your needs and get to know you better from there we will discuss what brings you in and what it is you wish to accomplish in your work with me. I will ask you some detailed questions about your history in mental health treatment and coping strategies that helped you in the past as well as get to know how you problem solve, time manage, and your task orientation.

Why would I do coaching when I can do therapy and bill it through my insurance?

Because coaching focuses on the current problems that are affecting your day to life. The things that are holding you back and causing you great distress NOW. Coaching is for those who are ready to make a changes now and are ready to do the work to reach goals. Therapy is more about identifying past traumas and learned behaviors and requires more time, and much more detail that may or may not have a direct correlation with what is happening now.



This blog is a place for my self expression and it is not intended to be used as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment for any medical or mental disorder.

In addition, if you belong to the Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation Police, please heed warning. This blog is my place of reflection and creativity and will probably not be grammatically correct most of the time.



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